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An Informed Transition

An Informed Transition

Wilson Preparatory Academy trained staff in virtual instruction and redesigned their school website as the launching point for communication with families.

Socially Distanced Collaboration

Socially Distanced Collaboration

While adjusting to a virtual environment, Cardinal Charter Academy provided hotspots, iPads, and Owl Cameras to increase collaboration and student engagement.

Thriving With New Technology

Thriving With New Technology

Hobgood Charter School implemented technology updates, purchased new equipment, and provided technical support to teachers for utilizing it in the classroom.

Tackling Academic Loss

Tackling Academic Loss

Ridgeview Charter School alleviated the loss of learning by addressing technology needs, building strong classroom connections, and promoting foreign language education.

Laptops: Useful Beyond the Pandemic

Laptops: Useful Beyond the Pandemic

Monroe Charter Academy purchased laptops and digital curriculum while also establishing virtual classroom expectations for student success.

Tearing Down Barriers to Tech

Tearing Down Barriers to Tech

To ensure technological equality for all students, Community Public Charter School provided computers, hotspots, and a learning portal called Parent Square.

A Culture of Access for All

A Culture of Access for All

The Exploris School ensured all staff members and students received, and could effectively utilize new laptops, Chromebooks and iPads creating a positive virtual learning environment.