Lakeside Charter Academy

 The fullest development of our students will occur through our pillars of scholarship, leadership and citizenship. These pillars include a challenging comprehensive academic program that can be differentiated for a large range of competencies. Our leadership curriculum is designed to develop confident and capable students that will participate in community service, civics instruction and focus student responsibility on becoming productive citizens in the community.

Year School Opened: 2014-15

Grant Awarded:  2020-21

Initial Grade Levels Served: K-8

2020-21 Student Demographic Data

2021-22 Student Demographic Data

Urbanicity:  Urban / Cornelius, NC

% ED Student Population Persons in Poverty (Mecklenburg County)

2020-21 School Year: 20.0% 10.3%

2021-22 School Year: 27.2% 11%